ALLHC 1H22 net income up by 37% to P339M
July 31, 2022
AyalaLand Logistics Holdings Corp. (ALLHC), an Ayala Land Inc. (ALI) subsidiary, generated consolidated revenues of P1.6 billion and a net income of P339 million in the first six months of 2022.
The steady demand for industrial lots contributed P657 million in revenues, up 8% from P611 million versus last year. Warehouse leasing segment grew its topline to P351 million, a 70% increase from P206 million, propelled by improved overall occupancy and the inclusion of 64,000 sqm of new gross leasable area from ALogis Sto. Tomas acquired early this year. Cold storage revenues grew 371% to P57 million from P12 million the previous year with the addition of a second ALogis Artico Binan facility. Commercial leasing revenues registered at P353 million, rising 62% from last year’s post of P218 million, coupled with improved customer foot traffic in Tutuban Center and South Park Center.
ALLHC’s balance sheet stands strong with a net gearing ratio of 0.69:1.
“The first half of the year showed encouraging results given the continuing reopening of the economy. Growth momentum for our bottom-line was sustained as operations remained stable. As we continue building up our asset portfolio and strengthening our leasing segments, we are optimistic about the company’s growth prospects in the industrial real estate space,” said ALLHC Chief Operating Officer Patrick C. Avila.
In 2022, ALLHC remains committed to transforming places into dynamic industrial and logistics centers, and diversifying its product line further.
In May, ALLHC entered into a framework agreement for data center development in the country with FLOW Digital Infrastructure. Addressing the rising demand for digital infrastructure, the initial roll-out will target the delivery of a 4.5MW-capacity facility. Furthermore, ALLHC acquired 55 hectares of land in Padre Garcia, Batangas for its future industrial estate, the Batangas Technopark. With this acquisition, ALLHC is currently present in 6 key areas, on track with its target of 10 key locations nationwide by the year 2025.
The company also took a step forward in its thrust for sustainable developments. In June, 200 native tree saplings were planted by ALLHC employees in Cavite Technopark. This initiative is in line with the sustainability focus area of site resilience, making ALLHC’s developments resilient to environmental stress and geohazards.